Hymn for Boletaria

A.I. Powered Demon's Souls Tribute Music

What about Neocities?

Why Neocities?

Well, to be honest I wasn't aware of this place until a few days ago. I was mumbling and complaining of the current state of internet and how bloated, uninspired, and "unpersonal" it has became.

Unpersonal? In this day and age of social networks, Facebook, Tiktok, Instagram etc etc?

Yes, and i mean that. Most are only consuming contents from portals providing them, when back then there was a really amazing amount of "personal pages",

"Shrines", "webrings" and what would later on grow to became "Blogs". In those times Geocities was a must for anyone wishing to write and test some html, find groups with the same interests, downloading wallpapers and MIDI files or simply writing down fanfictions or whatever was going on their mind.

What made all more personal was also that one had to code his one page. It was an exciting process and it still is, writing this little page is so fun and refreshing, and i know that the result will be clean and easy to navigate, that I'm just offering informations or entertaining time without asking for any data! :)

The Free offering

For what I had in mind, this place looked to be perfect. Free. NO ADS. 1GB storage sound like little to you? Come on! If your webpage doesn't need to push video content hosted on site (no need to do that since you can embed them!) or super heavy Javascripts and and such and use just the normal needed pictures you may want, how big can it ever get?

Huge webpages back then would very rarely get past 20 Mbs, and this one is currently less than 1Mbs! This brings us to second part of the free offer; the 200GB Bandwidth. Does this sound as too little? Let's have a little calculation. Let's pretend that this whole page is 2MB. Let's pretend that all those that connect to it do visit all pages and not only those of their interest, how many hits would you need to get to hit your bandwidth cap? 100000!

Lastly I find their free domain quite good "yourwebsitename.neocities.org" sounds pretty enough if you do not want to get a domain (and very reminescent of Geocities;) ) and their HTML Online editor simnply works and allows you to make short and simple posts and updates with ease. Nothing fancy! But works!